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immersive realities

Immerea is an interactive media company based in Vienna, focusing on the development of virtual reality games and interactive installations.

Vienna, Austria

At Immerea, we are passio­nate about pushing the boun­da­ries of immersive and inter­ac­tive tech­no­lo­gies, offering unfor­gettable expe­ri­ences. With our games we aim to explore new perspec­tives on percep­tion and inter­ac­tion with a unique aesthetic and style. We deal with philo­so­phical and spatial theories, focusing on artistic explo­ra­tion to create unique and engaging virtual and hybrid experiences.


Colla­bo­ra­tions, events

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We are thrilled to share that two of our three co-founders, Michael and Flavia, have been included to the FORBES 30 UNDER 30 Europe list of 2023!

Immerea @Rio2C 2024

Very excited that our recently completed Mixed Reality Expe­ri­ence of “Beyond My Skin” will premiere at Rio2C 2024, Latin America’s largest crea­ti­vity event!

Colla­bo­ra­tion with
esc medien kunst labor

We are currently colla­bo­ra­ting with esc medien kunst labor in Graz, helping with the orga­niza­tion of this year’s exhi­bi­tions with the title “Who is Playing with Us?”

Immerea @Ars Elec­tro­nica Center

Excited to share that the inter­ac­tive instal­la­tion “Beyond My Skin”, produced by Immerea, has been presented at the Deep Space 8K, Ars Elec­tro­nica Center!
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Gardenof Akori

VR game | in development

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Sandbox and Explo­ra­tion Game in VR

“Garden of Akori” is a creative sandbox and exploration game in VR where the player interacts with abstract digital organisms in a mysterious world. The game deals with a new materialist notion of energy and matter.

The prototype of “Garden of Akori” has been made possible with the support of aws Creative Impact.

The sound of matter

VR Game | In development

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Artistic VR Mystery Game

“The sound of matter” is a VR game where you, a blind physicist, travel between fragments of time and space to find clues and solve a boycott.

The point cloud aesthe­tics aims to create an incom­plete view of the surroun­dings, able to expose single elements at a time.

Sketch Your Lamp

XR Instal­la­tion | 2023

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Developed for the XR company vrisch

Sketch Your Lamp (SYL) is a mixed-reality sketching tool. Users can design their ideal lamp by selecting a frame and using VR controllers as brushes. A holobox displays the process, and upon completion, users can print a QR code with an AR representation of their lamp.

The instal­la­tion is part of an in-store concept and opened at the end of April 2023 as part of the “EGLO World of Lights”.

Beyond My Skin

Mixed Reality expe­ri­ence | 2024 Inter­ac­tive instal­la­tion | 2023

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A project by Flavia Mazzanti. Produced by Immerea.

"Beyond My Skin" is an interactive installation, live performance and mixed reality experience exploring the themes of identity and representation in a post-human context. The project creates a physical space in which visitors can experience a new way of self- perception and Interaction.

Ars Elec­tro­nica Center, Deep Space 8K, 2024, Linz, AT

2024Rio2C Festival Rio de Janeiro, BR
2024Festival der Zukunft Munich, DE
2024Ars Elec­tro­nica Center Linz, AT
2023esc medien kunst labor Graz, AT
2023AIL Ange­wandte Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Lab Vienna, AT

Perfor­mers: Olivia Hild, Imani Rameses, Bita Bell, Viviane Tanzmeister
Sound: Brootworth

Concept and artistic direction: Flavia Mazzanti

Project Manage­ment: Design and Instal­la­tion: Manuel Bonell
Technical Artist: Tobias Mayer
Programming: Catherine Joy Calupas, Michael Bonell

Project realized with the support of: the City of Vienna and the Start­sti­pen­dium for Media Art from the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria (BMKÖS).


XR Instal­la­tion | 2021

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BCI + VR Installation

Neuro-Traces is an artistic-technological research project and installation focusing on a customized virtual spatial design based on individual's sensations of well-being.

Project realized together with Imani Rameses, working on the neuro­sci­en­tific part of the project. “Neuro-Traces” is realized with the support of the City of Vienna and the Vienna Business Agency.
DA Z Digital Arts Festival, 2021, Zurich, CH | ©Tren Guerrero

Festivals & Exhibitions

2021DAZ Digital Arts Festival Zurich, CH
2021Ars Elec­tro­nica Festival Linz, AT
2021das weisse haus organized by XRVienna, Vienna, AT


Hybrid short film | 2020

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Hybrid short film

“Sympoietic Bodies” is an artistic- philosophical project by Flavia Mazzanti presented through the medium film, which explores the disruption of the boundaries between the human body and its social and physical surroundings. The film experiments a post-anthropocentric scenario.

Written and directed by Flavia Mazzanti
“Sympoietic Bodies” is realized with the support of ORF III Kultur und Infor­ma­tion, the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria, the City of Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Festivals, Exhi­bi­tion & Performances

2021Ars Elec­tro­nica Festival Linz, AT
2021Tricky Women / Tricky Realities Festival Austrian Panorama, Vienna, AT
2021Winner Best Expe­ri­mental: Dreamers of Dreams Film Festival, London, UK
2021Winner Best Expe­ri­mental: Austrian Film­fes­tival. Austrian Compe­ti­tion Shorts, Vienna, AT
2021Winner Best Digital / Animation: Inter­na­tional Inno­va­tion Film Festival, Bern, CH
2021Nomi­na­tion for Best Expe­ri­mental: Viborg Animation Festival, Viborg, DK
2021Winner Best Expe­ri­mental: GIFF21, GB21, Gbiennale 21’, Melbourne, AU
2021Winner Best Expe­ri­mental: MUTE Festival. Potenza and Matera, IT
2021Filmfest Bremen, Inno­va­tion Program, Bremen, DE



Animated short film | 2021, 2024

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Short film from the Perfor­mance Series

“Re/Aktion” is an animated short film from the performance series in public space (Re)Aktion. the project deals with the topics of homeland, human rights, young people who are invisible. A performative examination of one own’s history intended to create new connections.

An animated short film by Manuel Bonell and Flavia Mazzanti, produced by Immerea, realized in coope­ra­tion with SPEAKERAT — Verein für Kunst­pro­jekte, and funded by the City of Vienna, Culture.


XR, Gamedev and Installations

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Gami­fi­ca­tion Concepts

We provide specia­lized support and the design of creative and inno­va­tive concepts, along with close colla­bo­ra­tion for your gami­fi­ca­tion projects in the fields of XR and mobile applications.


At Immerea, we stand at the inter­sec­tion of XR and game deve­lo­p­ment, with a back­ground in media art and archi­tec­ture. We offer consul­tancy services for a variety of projects, ranging from XR/VR/MR to tech consul­tancy for art projects, bridging the gap between crea­ti­vity and technology.


We currently hold workshops and seminars on Virtual and Mixed Reality, Game Design, and Digital Inclusion at various Univer­si­ties, Festivals and Insti­tu­tions (among others: Univer­sity of Vienna, Univer­sity of Applied Arts Vienna, FH Salzburg, FILE Festival Sao Paulo, Museum Kunst Haus Wien).

Equipment Rental

We offer flexible rental options for various models of stan­da­lone and PC VR devices, as well as Vive Trackers, based on availability.

Mocap Recor­dings

We offer motion capture services using the
Rokoko Mocap Suit, perfect for artists and indie developers.

If you are inte­rested in our services and want to know more, please get in contact with us under: [email protected]

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About us

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An inter­di­sci­pli­nary team merging the areas of media art, archi­tec­ture and programming.

Michael Bonell

Manuel Bonell

Flavia Mazzanti

Manuel Bonell

Co-founder and CEO
Project Manage­ment, 3D and game design

Manuel is an artist and architect based in Vienna. He is inte­rested in proce­dural animation and design, inter­ac­tive instal­la­tions and virtual reality.

Flavia Mazzanti

Co-founder and CCO
Producer, art and research

Flavia is an artist and architect based in Vienna. Her work ranges from archi­­tec­­tural-philo­­so­­phical theories to media art and expe­ri­mental filmmaking.

Michael Bonell

Co-founder and CTO
Programming and IT

Michael is a versatile programmer living in Graz. His latest projects are focused in the fields of media art, game and web development.


Open positions

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Currently no open position available

While there are no current open positions at the moment, Immerea is conti­nuously looking for talented indi­vi­duals to colla­bo­rate on diverse projects within game deve­lo­p­ment, gami­fi­ca­tion, and virtual installations.

Don’t hesitate to send us an email at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Social media | Email

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Some of our clients and partners:

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